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Product Waitlist

A email collecting landing page for your product which is under development.

A sleek, animated wait list email collecting page for your product which is under development. This template is designed to collect emails of potential users who are interested in your product and notify them when it's ready for launch.

Technologies Used

  • Next.js: Frontend library for building user interfaces
  • Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development
  • MongoDB: NoSQL database for storing user emails and managing subscriptions
  • Vercel: Serverless deployment platform for hosting the project

Who This Template Is For

This template is ideal for :

  • Developers who are building a product and want to collect emails of interested users
  • Startups looking to create a wait list for their product launch
  • Entrepreneurs who want to gauge interest in their product before launch
  • Anyone who needs a simple, elegant wait list page for their project